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pISSN : 2672-0264
대한건설보건학회지, Vol.5 no.2 (2023)
중대재해처벌법, 50인 미만 사업장도 시작이다
Purpose: This study is a review paper conducted for the purpose of investigating and explaining serious disasters. Methods: The paper examined data focusing on occupational accidents in Korea over the past 10 years, from 22 to 23. Results: As a result, among deaths by industry, the highest number of worker deaths occurred in the construction industry, and by size, most deaths occurred in workers under 50 people. Conclusion: Rather than worrying excessively about the Serious Accident Punishment Act, workplaces should strive to create a healthy workplace where even accidents caused by worker negligence do not occur through safety and health education and risk assessments.