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pISSN : 2672-0264
대한건설보건학회지, Vol.5 no.2 (2023)
DOI : 10.36301/KSCH.2023.5.2.1
화학물질 취급 사업장 근로자의 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향
Purpose: This study is a cross-sectional study to analyse the effects of emotional labour and workplace violence factors on job stress among workers working in a chemical handling workplace. Methods: The data collection was conducted from October to November 2019, and the questionnaire consisted of various variables to assess workers’ general characteristics, emotional labour, workplace violence, and job stress, and a total of 148 workers responded. Results: The Korean Emotional Labour Assessment Instrument, Korean Workplace Violence Assessment Instrument, and Korean Job Stress Assessment Instrument were used to assess emotional labour, and the results of the study were analysed using SPSS/WIN 27.0. The reliability, correlation, and regression analysis of each variable were conducted to determine the effects of emotional labour and workplace violence on job stress. Conclusion: This study investigated the effects of emotional labour and workplace violence on job stress among chemical workers, and found that workplace violence had a greater impact. Therefore, it is recommended that workplaces should manage emotional labour and workplace violence to protect workers’ mental health, and develop working conditions and healthcare programmes to alleviate job stress based on the results of this study.
화학물질 취급 사업장,근로자,감정노동,직장폭력,직무스트레스